举例解析 新托福网考阅读推论题

作者:金陵翻译院 日期:2011-03-06 14:20:17 浏览次数:3839
举例解析 新托福网考阅读推论题

Passage:…The nineteenth century brought with it a burst of new discoveries and inventions that revolutionized the candle industry and made lighting available to all. In the early-to-mid-nineteenth century, a process was developed to refine tallow (fat from animals) with alkali and sulfuric acid. The result was a product called stearin. Stearin is harder and burns longer than unrefined tallow. This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor. Stearins were also derived from palm oils, so vegetable waxes as well as animal fats could be used to make candles…
   Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about candles before the nineteenth century?
a)They did not smoke when they were burned.
b)They produced a pleasant odor as they burned.
c)They were not available to all.
d)They contained sulfuric acid.
    文章第一句同时也是一个时间的分水岭,告诉我们19世纪蜡烛工业的变革是怎么样的。“在19世纪早期到中期,蜡烛处理工艺使用alkali和sulfuric acid来提炼tallow,提炼后的产品就是stearin,stearin比未经提炼的tallow坚硬而且燃烧得更久。这一巨大的变化意味着制造出不产生烟和rancid味道的蜡烛是可能的。”在这里的一个关键词是rancid,意思是(油脂食物,其味道、气味)不新鲜的;腐臭的;正好与选项b的pleasant odor相反。19世纪前的蜡烛产生usual smoke(经常有烟),这与选项a相反。Sulfuric acid是19世纪用来处理fallow的材料,在19世纪以前是没有使用的,这与选项d相反。



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